Looking for the ideal umbrella stroller? We fell in love with the Summer Infant 3Dlite Convenience Stroller. Not only does it recline, have pockets, a cupholder and basket underneath but it folds up with a strap so you can carry it over your shoulder. Amazing Right?! How many times do you get stuck pushing an empty stroller or need it to be portable? The other great thing is that they are durable. It may be a little bit more money but you will likely only buy one of these compared to three or four of the cheaper ones that tend to rip easier.
This is great for tiny hineys who get swallowed up in the big potty. Going through potty training it is inevitable that they always need to go when they are furthest away from a potty their size. We invested in this Collapsible Potty Seat on a whim and couldn’t be happier. It is collapsible and easily fits into a purse or diaper bag. Don’t worry, it has its own separate bag for clean storage. It comes in multiple colors and characters as well!
I adore these reusable Water Wow watercolor books. They are simple to use, don’t take up a ton of space and my daughter loves them. The only thing is you will need to find water to put in your pen. We usually carry a bottle of water with us or tend to use these at restaurants.
Whoever invented markers that only work on special paper should have won the noble prize. This is a brilliant way to let kids create without any mess. A variety of different no mess coloring books can be found from princesses to dinosaurs.
If your toddler is still in need of a placemat the Tidy Tykes one reigns supreme. Our daughter had difficulty getting the mats up and actually liked the simple designs more so than any character mat we purchased. Prior to her using a plate and utensils these were a staple for all our meals eating out.
These are just a few of our favorite items that we use while traveling. If you are looking for more advice on traveling with a toddler check out our road-tripping and hotel tips with a toddler in tow.
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